Super Uncle’s Child Caring Philosophy
It takes an entire village to raise a child.
Children need to be active learners, and with Super Uncle, they will have the opportunity to do this through play, practical application, and reflection. I focus on helping children to learn and develop both as individuals but also as part of a group. Everyone needs to be an individual but also to feel they belong to a clan. Children, who have a sense of belonging to a community, are more willing to explore and learn.
The building blocks for positive self-esteem and self-confidence start in early childhood.
Psychologists tell us that one of the most, if not the most important factor in our happiness is the number of quality relationships in our lives. I believe a child’s early experiences enrich and stimulate future growth. Children deserve to be treated and respected as individuals, in an environment that welcomes reason, exploration and imagination. I respect each child’s need for love, security, acceptance, warmth and stimulation. Children with high self-esteem who feel loved and supported, are more willing to try new things and even to fail in the process.
Children need positive adult role models.
Studies have shown that the involvement of a positive male role model has a profound effect on children and promotes a child’s physical well-being, perceptual ability and competency in relating with others.
Research shows, feeling connected, feeling a sense of belonging and having strong relationships with peers and teachers or positive role models, are strong protective factors for a young person’s wellbeing.
Super Uncle will provide social and emotional skills development.
Social understanding in the first five years of life is crucial in child development and Super Uncle will help your child, understand and appreciate how to communicate, share, make friends, and socialise with others. He will also encourage your child to freely express their feelings of everyday emotions.
Children need parameters to guide them as they mature into adulthood.
By positively influencing the course of a young person’s life, Super Uncle knows that resilience can be achieved, creating a sense of self-worth.
Children are like sponges.
With Super Uncle, children will develop cognitive skills by having a variety of disciplines at their fingertips. The mind of a young child absorbs information like a sponge through structured and unstructured activities, play, and interaction with others. Children are constantly processing information about their world. Super Uncle believes there are opportunities for learning in every activity.
Play is the major vehicle for children to learn.
Helping children thrive doesn’t mean providing the best toys or the most expensive gadgets … quite the opposite. Imagination stimulates more of a child’s brain than a child who is handed an already-put-together toy.
Rest assured Super Uncle will provide an environment where your child will develop communication skills and express themselves in a healthy way.