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Beauty Therapist and Health & Wellness Coach


Savage Beauty

I’m a Beauty Therapist and wellness coach, starting out in beauty and using clean products avoiding heavy chemicals for my clients. I’ve now branched out to offer healy microcurrent wellness services, nutritional advise, i sell personal care products and have a holistic approach to life/family and business.

Ashley Roi
Mobile: 0433402181
Email: savagebeauty@outlook.com.au
Website: https://www.savagebeautyhealthwellness.com
Facebook: Savage Beauty Health & Wellness
Facebook Messenger: savagebeauty
Instagram: savagebeauty_healthandwellness

All beauty treatments such as waxing/tanning/makeup. Healy micro current scans and treatments. A bunch of nutritional stuff like colodial silver, fulvic acid and moving into teas such a liver/kidney tonics all that aids the body.